Tuesday, March 5, 2019

What Bothers Me Most....The unfolding of the Eddie Stobart Unfathomable Decision.

At the time of writing the Eddie Stobart/Connor Sparrowhawk blog a few days ago, I had believed  William Stobart and Andrew Tinker held executive roles or at least had some influence in the company. I am indebted to @KaraChrome for pointing out that " neither of the Stobarts, nor Tinkler, now has any influence in the firm". It is understood that they "stepped down in 2017 when it was floated publically. Alex Laffey is the current CEO." I really should have double checked my sources - a lesson learnt! Regardless however of their non-executive status, I would argue that nevertheless, William bares the Stobart name and Andrew Tinkler's life long association with the firm and family both do have a voice and hence influence should they choose to exercise it!

Connor's Mum, Dr Sara Ryan posted a Tweet today that an Eddie Stobart employee had written to The Times offering a solution. The Stobart truck fleet at SRDC has boys names and there are some units yet to be named. The Eddie Stobart company subsequently pointed out that the trucks are not theirs and do not carry the Stobart branding. The drivers however are all employed by Eddie Stobart.

What bothers me is that the Stobart family appear to remain silent. Tesco seems to be silent as do the Eddie Stobart shareholders. Why is this?  A question posed in the blog site mydaftlife (03.03.19) points out that "some tweets in support of naming a cab after Connor have referred to social justice and what a decision would signify for a totally marginalized group of people who are too often denied an opportunity to lead anything approaching a flourishing life" Professor Katherine Runswick Cole tweeted ( 05.03.19) that what bothered her most about Stobart's decision "is that it feeds into (her) worst fears about the lives of people living with learning disabilities being worth less.." The professor concluded with the hashtag You've Done it Before Why Not Now.

My message remains what it was in the previous blog: will somebody past or present that carry the Stobart name, or are shareholders, or have contracts with/by the company, or have executive function please STEP UP.

I can do no better than quote the author of mydaftlife:

It's within the gift of the Eddie Stobart Company to balance the justice scales a little bit and generate warmth, delight and priceless joy to have a 'Connor Sparrowhawk' cab beetling around the motorways of the UK and abroad....Connor never stopped reaching for stars....The idea of a lorry named after him is the stuff of dreams. It would further be a cracking reminder for health and social care staff (and others) of the importance, value and brilliance of people like Connor"

Stephen Unwin (@RoseUnwin) wrote " There's something about this whole episode which shows how the mainstream regards people with Learning Disabilities. Connor was buried with an @EddieStobartCom model truck, for God's sake.#Justice for LB"

The Eddie Stobart Company decision, as it stands is indeed unfathomable. It can be changed unless it is based on a policy which has come down from the mountain of corporate intransigence and greed. It is not about a name, it is not just about Connor, it is about the powerful symbolism of making dreams come true and that is the gift the Eddie Stobart company bestow. 

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward, have always enjoyed reading your posts and hearing your thoughts.
